Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Pursuit of The Fifty

I have finished moving everything from other galleries on CAF to the gallery for The Fifty. I have two other pieces, at least, that I will have in there eventually but have no scans now. Most everything I have is on CAF though.

So right now we have these pieces active in The Fifty on CAF:

The Fifty
1  BWS Storyteller Young Gods page 4
2  Simon Bisley Dr. Strange vs The Mindless Ones 2007 commission
3  Dan Green Dr. Strange: Into Shamballa splash
4  Rudy Nebres - commission Doctor Strange comes upon Dracula & The Scarlet Witch
5  JH Williams 3rd / Mick Gray Promethea 24 double page spread

Five pieces revealed. Well I just counted and I have 34 in the gallery now. Many did not initially come to mind, but as I went through my galleries I saw some things that I knew fit right in The Fifty. Real gems. I thought I had about twenty or so. 


Thirty-four. Thirty four gems already in The Fifty.

Does that mean I stop collecting when I have sixteen more great pieces? Of course not! I know right away that just a few are tenuous at best. There are some convention sketches in there, and I am not sure they will eventually pass muster. But right now they do, and that is all I can ask.

And listen...I meant what I said and I said what I meant. I passed over some truly wonderful pieces when looking for members of The Fifty. I thought, more than once, "well, I won't sell that one until the bitter end. If at all." I mean, how do I get rid of something like this, even if it is not in The Fifty: 

Matt Smith commission - Dr Strange and Hellboy

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