Once in a while the clouds part and a beam of line shines through. I used to beat the bushes pretty thoroughly before conventions and this entry in The Fifty is evidence that it pays off every so often. I somehow got an email address for Jae Lee back in the day and when he was announced as a guest at a 2006 NYC convention I emailed about advance pieces. He responded pretty quickly and told me I was the right guy at the right time. We proceeded to work out the commission pricing, size, and other details but when push came to shove Jae professed a desire to do Batman, even offering a discount! But when I stuck with Doc he showed what a class act he is and gave me the discount anyway.
Two weeks or so later I had this in my hands.
Doctor Stephen Strange by Jae Lee |
I have two versions colored digitally by Tom Smith as well. Here, check them out!
Good work there, thanks Tom!
I grew up in the early Image days of comics. The WildCATs trilogy and Hellshock were a ton of fun, even if they were generally visually striking but confusing as hell. Jae Lee was a great talent and I loved his work; he had a style that was perfect for comics and his moodiness and wonderful textures seem a perfect fit for the good doctor. I was surprised how right that was when Jae gave me this; it is exquisite.
The Fifty
1 BWS Storyteller Young Gods page 4
2 Tony Harris / Ray Snyder Dr. Strange WIRED Magazine cover
3 Gene Colan / Tom Palmer Tomb of Dracula 44 page 1 splash
4 Simon Bisley Dr. Strange vs The Mindless Ones
5 JHW3 Milestone Forever pinup
6 Dan Green Dr. Strange: Into Shamballa splash
7 Bill Sienkiewicz Superman 400 pinup recreation
8 Dan Adkins Dr Strange 170 page 11
9 Anna Merli Clea
10 JH Williams 3rd / Mick Gray Promethea 24 double page spread
11 Rudy Nebres - Dr. Strange, Dracula & The Scarlet Witch
12 Jae Lee Dr. Strange
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